Saturday 11 October 2014

Positive Thinking

I am a negative person. This doesn't help when I am training for a fight. My own negativity is killing my ability to progress. I stopped training for two months, and when I went back and I expected myself to be where I left off and I wasn't. Everyone else kept training. So my own head races as I'm training with negative thoughts.

"Everyone is better than me."

"I'm shit."

"I'm like a beginner."

"I can't do anything right."

"I shouldn't of gotten caught with that."

These thoughts stay with me for the walk home, weighing me down, and they are in my head as I try to sleep.

I get the pep talk from my boyfriend on how I need to stop being negative and start being positive. It's all in my head. I agree until next time and as soon as I start doing things wrong or feel like I'm being beat up by anyone it all comes back and I feel too disheartened to try.

I've been searching online for articles about positive thinking. I'm trying to make myself believe in myself. So far this is what I've gathered.....

Did I eat well today? Did I run before training? Did I train hard enough? Did I do core work? Did I go to bed early? If I'm answering yes then I should go forward believing in my own abilities. There's no point in worrying about what my opponent can do, it only matters what I can do. If I am happy with my own training then that should give me all the confidence I need.

I'm also trying to take a leaf out of Conor McGregor's book and be half as confident as he is. I'm trying to use some of his phrases as my mantra. "We're not here to take part, we're here to take over." That's one of my favorite ones. I love that fighting Irish spirit.

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